Errata on GOG-075 Double Bind and GOG-080 Loki’s Strategy


Dear Rulers,

Quite a few of you caught the error when Loki’s Strategy was previewed that it wouldn’t work with an Ordered Garmheld since it will become a J-Ruler, leading us to realize that we missed out on changing these cards when we finalized the ruling for Order. Hence, we will be performing an erratum on GOG-075 Double Bind and GOG-080 Loki’s Strategy.


Errata on GOG-075 Double Bind

Old Wording:
[Force Resonance] <Trickery>
You may pay [D] less to play this card if you control a resonator with [Villains].
You may pay [W] less to play this card if you control a resonator with [Tales].

New Wording:
[Force Resonance] <Trickery>
You may pay [D] less to play this card if you control a J/resonator with [Villains].
You may pay [W] less to play this card if you control a J/resonator with [Tales].


Errata on GOG-080 Loki’s Strategy