Banned/Combinated Banned List


Hello Rulers!

The 2024 WGP has ended and with it, the 2023-2024 competitive season. The 2024-2025 season has begun (although there are no events scheduled yet, but we'll talk about that soon), so here we are with a new update to the banned list and combination banned list of Force of Will.

Today, thanks to the final stages of the Reworking Protocol, the Banlist and the Combination Banned list are going to be drastically reduced. Throughout the spoiler season we've shown all the cards that are going to leave the Banned List, and thanks to the ABC Duel Decks, many Combination Bans are going away as well.

This year, unlike in 2023, since the WGP was at the end of a quarter and closer to this Banned List update, we have decided to apply a different approach and renew the metagame by focusing on the most played archetypes of 2024, and, consequently, the most played archetypes in the WGP 2024. At the same time, a ton of old archetypes have received new support and their cards have returned from the Banlist, so the level of deckbuilding variety should continue to increase (we've been looking at this for 2024 and it's only gotten bigger. Thanks so much for showing us all the wonderful decks that can be played.).

Also, Void has arrived to ABC! With this new way to play multiplayer, the ABC Banned list has been updated accordingly.

We hope that the start of the season will be full of surprises! This is the new update to the banned list and combination banned list of Force of Will!


Effective date: 29/11/2024

·        Wanderer


o   Almerius // Almerius (MSW-002) (RWP)

o   Alice, Zeus Incarnate (DBV-091)

o   Moojdart // Moojdart (MSW-042) (RWP)

o   Shark of Solari (NWE-032) (RWP)

o   Water Spirit of the Lamp (EDL-055, TSD1-007) (RWP)

o   Elektra, Shooting Star of Fire (CST-021) (RWP)

o   Dinner Time (GRL-041)

o   Lifezapper, Solarised Statue (JRP-057) (RWP)

o   Lifezapper Chronogear (JRP-058) (RWP)

o   Hunter's Area (MP01-045) (RWP)

No longer Banned

o   Interdimensional Vessel, Apollo (TMS-094)

o   Child of the Fire Moon (NWE-013)

o   Fairy of Solarisire (JRP-011)

o   Sudden Manifestation of Power (GOG-031)

o   Lykeion, the Magic Academy (EDL-062)

o   Magical Dragon (EDL-064)

o   Welser, the Progenitor of Magic // Welser, the Progenitor of Magic (EDL-074)

o   Asmodeus // Asmodeus (TST-044)

o   Echidna, Mechanized Monster (GRV-051)

o   Ethereal of Solarisire (JRP-063)

o   Typhon, the Infinite Monster // Order of Infinity (GRV-085)

o   Ki Lua, Fossil Girl of Melted Ice (TUS-070)

o   Sigurd, the Covenant King (AO3-082)

o   Zombie Returning From the Paramita of the Dead (HSD-024, NWE-086)

o   Eins (NWE-090)

o   Ragnarok, Invading Dragon Lord (EDL-096)

Combination Banned

o   Kiki, Selesta's Partner // Kiki's Exploration (EDL-046) + Lehen, Legendary Explorer // Lehen, Witch Swordswoman (TSD1-001)

o   Grusbalesta // Grusbalesta (MSW-073) + Ambushing Scorpion (GOG-017)

o   Graveyard Keeper of the Demonic World (TST-057) + Crea, Wooden Reborn (TEU-028)

o   Shitalkin, Seer of the Coral District (TEU-025) + The Fishing Spot of Jiang Ziya (TEU-026)

o   Shitalkin, Seer of the Coral District (TEU-025) + Sea Monster's Bioluminescent Eggs (TEU-080)

No longer in the Combination Banned List

o   Falltgold, the Dragoon (TAT-026, MP01-072) + Little Maria, Archaic Legacy (TWS-042)

o   Duplication Mirror (ADK-067) + Trials from Kaguya (MP01-038)

o   Null Magic Stone (TSW-149) + Zhuge Liang, Perfect Strategist (GRV-026)

o   Lailah, Maiden of the Swamps (AOA-092) + Child of the Ethereal Moon (TUS-025)

o   Spirit of Calmness (AO3-033) + Falchion, Shooting Star of Water (CST-035)

o   Almerius // Almerius (MSW-002) + Moojdart // Moojdart (MSW-042)

o   Artillerist of Fate (DSD-012, GOG-001) + Raging Messiah (TWS-028)

o   Fiethsing, 100 Years of Wizardry (GOG-047) + Falchion, Solitary Scientist (NWE-066)

o   Guinevere, Space-Time Watcher (GRL-030) + Dexia's Advice (TUS-026)

o   Sacred Burial (NWE-043) + Aspiring Diva (CMB-028)

o   Iga, Village of Assassins (TUS-069) + Rocket Dive // Pink Spider (TUS-079)

o   Little Maria, Archaic Legacy (TWS-042) + Gate of Refarth (MP01-088)

Effective date: 29/11/2024

·        Arcana Battle Colosseum


o   Flighter of the Underground Fighting Arena (TWS-025)

o   Roar of Dark Blessing (CMB-064)

o   Laevateinn, the Demon Sword (TTW-099)

o   Satan (TST-094)

o   Broken Mask of the Crusader (TSR-087)

o   Star Scale of the Sacred Dragon (TSR-088)

No longer banned

o   Fairy of Solarisire (JRP-011)

o   Ethereal of Solarisire (JRP-063)

Sigurd, the Covenant King (AO3-082)